Dr. Noureddine Boucif

Dr. Noureddine Boucif

Technical Advisor Worldwide

Noureddine Boucif, Ph.D., is a retired chemical engineer actually acting as a consulting engineer. He received his chemical engineering degree from the Algerian Petroleum Institute in 1979, then pursued a Master of Engineering (Chemical) at Stevens Institute of Technology in 1984, and was granted a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France in 2012.

In his early career, he was involved in the design of several industrial projects including membrane gas separations. He worked on gas-liquid separation implemented in natural gas sweetening processes by means of gas-liquid contactors using amines. Then, in recent years, he was very active in various aspects of oil refineries design and implementation.

He has authored several refereed journal publications, a book chapter, several international conference presentations and holds an international patent in bitumen packing process.

He is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE).


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